If you have a WordPress blog or website, WordPress security must be an issue for you. I'm sure you must have heard about hackers attacking blogs and websites of other people. The damage done by them can be enormous, especially when the particular blog was high page ranked, displaying high in search engines and profitable. It is not the only type of websites attacked by hackers. The reasoning behind their acts can't be explained as logical. They will destroy it for fun. I know stories of people who one day, instead of their website saw a short note informing them that their website has been blocked by Google due to the thread it carries to other internet users. It was a result of hacker attack, who made changes to the website.
Cloning your site is another degree in repair hacked wordpress site that may be useful. Cloning simply means that you have backed up your website to a totally different place, (offline, as in a folder, so as to not have SEO problems) where the original source you can get it at a moment's notice if the need arises.
It all will start with the basics. Attempt to use complex passwords. Use spaces, numbers, special characters, and letters and combine them to create a password. You can use.
Exploit Scanner goes seeking anything suspicious through the files on your site comment database and post tables. You are also notified by it for plugin names. It does not remove anything, it simply warns you for threats.
WordPress is one of the platforms for self-hosted sites and websites. While WordPress is pretty secure out of the box, there are always going to be people who want to make trouble by finding a way to split into accounts or sites to cause damage or inject hidden spammy links. That is why it's important to make certain that your WordPress installation is as secure as possible.
Of course it's possible to set up plugins to make your shop like automated plugin or share buttons. That's all. Your store is now up and running!